General info¶
- Teaching from Monday to Wednesday at 9:00-16:00 at Dogmi training room (1st floor), CSC Finland, Keilaranta 14, Espoo (15.1 - 18.1.2018)
- Lunch at 12:15
- Coffee breaks at 10:30 and 14:30
- PhD Henrikki Tenkanen
- Email:
- Phone: +358 50 4484436
Useful literature¶
A wide range of sources and materials have been used to develop these materials. Relevant web-sites and documentation of the GIS packages can be found from the lesson materials.
- Recommended textbooks (in order of relevance):
- Zelle, J. (2010) Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, Second edition. Franklin, Beedle & Associates.
- Lawhead, J. (2015) Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python: An effective guide to geographic information systems and remote sensing analysis using Python 3, Second edition. Packt Publishing.
- McKinney, W. (2012) Python for Data Analysis: Data wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and iPython, First edition. O´Reilly Media.
- Westra, E. (2016) Python Geospatial Development: Develop sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python 3 tools for geospatial development, Third edition. Packt Publishing.
- Zandbergen, P. (2013) Python Scripting for ArcGIS, Alternate edition. ESRI press. (Available from the library
- Diener, M. (2015) Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook: Over 60 recipes to work with topology, overlays, indoor routing, and web application analysis with Python. Packt Publishing.