AutoGIS 2023

Learning Goals:

After completing this course, you should be able to:
  • test and produce modular code in the Python programming language
  • manage spatial data programmatically (for example, reading different data formats, re-projecting, re-classifying and storing data)
  • apply spatial analysis methods in Python (such as buffering, network analysis and spatial joins)
  • create visualisations (graphs and maps) from geographic data using Python
  • design and implement a geographical data analysis workflow

Generic Skills

After completing this course, you should be able to:
  • Independently search for information regarding programming methods
  • Apply new methods based on online documentation
  • Critically evaluate the available methods and information sources
  • Understand the importance of version control for practical tasks and scientific purposes
  • Communicate their analysis workflow in written format
  • Complete assingments on time

Course materials

Discord: Discord-AutoGIS2023
CSC notebooks:
join code: aut-z2y1a9nw

Course topics

1 Shapely and geometric objects
(points, lines and polygons)
2 Managing spatial data with Geopandas
(reading and writing data, projections, table joins)
3 Geocoding and spatial queries
4 Reclassifying data, overlay analysis
5 Visualisation: static and interactive maps
6 OpenStreetMap data (osmnx) and Network analysis (networkx)

Course Evaluation

6 weekly exercises (40 % of final assesment)
Final assignment (60 % of final assessment)


Weekly exercises are due the week after each lesson, on Thursday
Final assignment:
  • 1st deadline: 31 December 2023
  • 2nd deadline: 12 January 2024

You can choose either of these deadlines.
Those submitting early will get their credits earlier.

GIS in Python

Let's get started